I want to change address / add or remove items after placing an order
  1. Please contact +6019 229 8238 (Mr Eng) by whatsapp, and we will help you to make adjustments to the order from the back end or cancel the order BEFORE 4 pm on the same day the order was made. Orders cannot be cancelled or adjusted after 4 pm.


Packing Rules and Conditions
  1. To submit the form, please key in the complete details required in the checkout page. You will not be able to place an order if the details are incomplete.
  2. Once you have placed an order, you may also notify Mr Eng by whatsapp to let him know that your order has been placed.
Rules and Conditions for Billing
  • The bill in the system is an indicative  bill, some items subject to final weight adjustment. Items that are subject to weight adjustment are stated   in the order form. 
  • You can pay using the system, based on the indicative bill. Any shortfall or overpay as compared with the final bill can be carried forward to the next bill or top up, or ask for refund.
  • Upon receiving the delivered package, please look for the final bill inside it, and check and reconcile with what you have received. Any shortfall or mistake or quality problems, please notify us on the same day. No refund or reduction if you notify on the second day. 
  • If you have not paid in advance (if you have choosed Cash on Delivery),  please make payment to the Maybank Account (listed in How To Page) during the same day and send me the payment slip after making the payment. Please do not pay cash to the transporter. 


Packaging  Rules  and  Conditions

1. We are fully aware of the environmental issue and strive to use papers or boxes to pack, but as our delivery is without a chiller, it is difficult to maintain the freshness by paper packing. Therefore, most produce will be packed in plastic to maintain its freshness.


2. If you would like us to pack the produce without plastic packing, please let us know in advance and we will pack it in paper. But we will not guarantee the freshness of the produce.


3. If any of the ordered items is out of stock, we will deduct it from the final bill. However, if the item ordered has different variations, for example “Big” Bak Choi is out of stock but “Small” Bak Choi is still available, then we will replace the out of stock “Big” Bak Choi to “Small” Bak Choi without informing you.

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